How to Write a Book

As soon as people find out that I’m an author, one of the first questions they ask of me is how they can write a book. My answer is always easy for I tell them to get a pen or pencil and a piece of paper, nowadays I add a computer to the list for more and more people have one, and sit down and put words behind words. A lot of them look at me with an incomprehensible furrowing of the brows, but it boils down to the truth. All you need to do to write a book is to set your ideas down wherever you want by putting word after word to form your sentences, which you'll turn into paragraphs, and these consequently into essays, articles and books.

Once you get the hang of writing your paragraphs, use them to make up the chapters of your book which must have an introduction, a body and of course a conclusion. One of the most important things to reaching the goal of writing the book is to keep on producing paragraph after paragraph.

Just Sit Down And Put Word Behind Word

No, it’s the honest truth. Writing a book is nothing but laying out your ideas on paper or on the computer screen. You don’t need any special course or technique to carry out the act. If you know how to talk, then you can write. There’s no magic involved here and you don’t have to be inspired to write down what you’re thinking. You don’t have to have a special secret place to do it. It can be done practically anywhere, in a restaurant, at your local library, at church, at home, on the bus or in your car, anywhere your little heart desires, you can scribble down what’s on your mind. It’s as easy as that.

Perhaps the only difficulty I can think of in writing a book is the actual work. You have to find time to do it if you really want to see results. Writing a page a day will work out to 365 a year, one a week to 52. You can set the pace at your convenience, but just don’t forget that you have to sit down and do it according to your schedule. No one else is going to do it for you. There are no tricks or magic wands to help you get it done, just like that—I flicked my fingers after I said those last three words. All you have to do is discipline yourself and work at it. There's no other way of going about it, but by obligating yourself to do it.

Play With the Rules of Wording

If you know the subject matter that you want to write about, then you won’t have to do any research; or perhaps very little just to refresh or whet your mind. If you don’t, don’t worry, for there’s this heavenly sent tool called the Internet that can help you get every bit of information you need. You have everything at your fingertips to start fitting one word after another to write your book. Just make sure that you're passionate about what you choose and get started right away with your redaction.

Apart from putting words behind words, perhaps you should try and learn as many of them as possible and how to use them. First, you should know that they are divided up into prepositions, adverbs, nouns, adjectives, verbs and conjunctions. A careful studying of them can be easily done over the Internet. There are thousands of courses to help you accomplish this. Read all you can to get a decent vocabulary, then learn how to apply the parts of speech. After you’ve accumulated all the words you need, start turning them into sentences. Make sure you know the different kinds of sentences you’ll be working with, for there are compound, complex, simple, a host of clauses, etc. Turn these sentences into paragraphs by following some simple rules which are available to everybody. Know your topic sentence and the two important points it stands for. Write the supporting details so that they carry out their function of expanding on the main idea contained in the topic sentence. Tie in your conclusion and be sure that it’s making a direct reference to the principal argument, whether it be implicit or explicit. Once you’ve written your first paragraph, all you have to do is keep practicing, keep on writing. Write hundreds, perhaps thousands of them for, as you’ll soon see, they’re what make up your books, articles, compositions, essays, etc.

Continue writing now. Don't ever stop. Go on until you reach the top.

A Set of Rules Already Laid Out 4 U

If you’re really serious about writing a book, you can do it by following these simple rules to go from point A to point B, and all the way to the end of your work. You’re the important element here and you have to do the work. There’s no mystery to go along with it, no test to take to be able to do it. You can’t get a license to carry it out. It’s only you who can make it happen, you who can put down those words, one after the other, on screen or paper to write your book. It’s all up to you to get the job done and it's only through practice, making an extra effort, that you can succeed in getting your endeavor of writing a book done. That's the plain truth about getting your book written.

At Wade Hilton from Jamaica we sincerely hope that the message contained in the writing set forth above can really help you reach your goal of writing a book. Whether it helped you or not, we would like to know, so please send us your comments and opinions. We'll always value them here, especially if you take a moment or two to expose them to us. Go ahead and let us know.

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