
Most sources seem to agree that fiction is something that is feigned or imaginary. As to the literature with which we are concerned at Wade Hilton from Jamaica, it is that kind of writing in which the plot and characters are made up or conceived by the imagination of the author. Our records show that this type of storytelling was first dubbed as imaginative literature, one in which the writer would invent his or her story. This invention began to grow in such a successful way that it immediately became known as literary fiction, leaving all other writing to be called nonfiction. Nonfictional stories would now deal with factual events and descriptions as laid down in biographies and works of history and fiction would take on the imaginary aspect as invented by the author.

The power of fiction would now separate itself from what was not, and although there are a number of people who don't like this form of writing, it has striven to great heights. They say why bother read about fictional personages when you can do so with real people. However true their argument might be, it did not in the least affect this form of fictitious writing as more and more readers not only clung to it but began to spread the word about the biggest form of storytelling, the one that is based on the imagination. This is really how powerful fiction is and how it can let your imagination go, run wild. Thousands of authors have been using it and many more will continue doing so as fiction keeps expanding. No one can deny the power it has over a lot of people.

Fiction Books Are Well-loved by the Majority

This imaginary aspect of people, places and events soon turned into realistic and non-realistic fiction. The former, although still untrue, began to draw more and more attention to it because many of its readers now believed that these events could physically happen in the future. The latter, although impossible, has a tint of supernatural in it and the stories clearly depict events that could not really happen in real life. J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter is a great example of this kind of fiction books. There’s also semi-fiction which is a fictional depiction of a true story as in a reconstructed biography. These kinds of stories are growing and becoming more important as more and more authors get involved in them and are making them stand out from realistic and non-realistic fiction.

Many writing instructors and authors tend to agree that the fundamental elements in fiction writing, namely characters, settings and plots, have turned it into a kind of art form that is well-loved by people from all walks of life. If you go into a bookstore or visit their website online, you’ll certainly observe that their section on fiction carries a wider variety of books as compared to any other section. This is mainly because most readers know that satisfaction is guaranteed in these kinds of books and that the authors behind them, who have grown into an extensive list of famous bestsellers, go out of their way to use good writing techniques to envelope the fundamental elements in narrating their work to create a kind of suspense that will make you want to find out how the climax is going to turn out.

The Involvement Between Author and Reader

This kind of involvement between the author and the reader is now typical in modern-day fiction. Readers get excited about the denouement as they follow the rising action leading up to the climax and then the falling one which shows them the effects of the aftermath. They know about the conflict that is set forth in the story as it develops, unfolds itself to them. They separate it between good and evil as they follow along, expecting the protagonist to triumph over the antagonist. And although this is not always the case, a lot of readers tend to go along with their heroes as they succeed in defeating or doing away with their enemies. This is very important for both the writer and the reader.

Fiction for us at Wade Hilton from Jamaica will always be a beautiful form of literature, one that will be around forever so long as readers and writers need one another. There will always be a necessity for this form of art on behalf of readership and authors are always going to want to produce them. That’s the way it has been since its explosion. There’s nothing to change that as new techniques and ways become available to the production of fiction books. The Internet has given it a new impetus as these books become easier to be published and marketed. The film industry will always be there making its demand on both the creation and production of these books. Everybody wants to read them and even more and more young authors who are springing up want to produce them because of the facility so readily available to publish them. Fiction is a great way to create a book and once people who want to write them follow in the footsteps of the way they are done, they will be able to make up and publish their work. The reward for writing them is great and if you’re interested in writing or producing one of them, we at Wade Hilton will be more than willing to show you how. Write to us to let us know, and all you great lovers of fiction don’t forget that your comments and opinions are welcome. It'll always be a pleasure for us to hear from you and we'll most certainly make your opinion known.

At Wade Hilton from Jamaica fiction matters a lot to us, so we'll always be willing and ready to receive your comments and opinions on the subject matter. Don't hesitate to send them in to let us know what you think about this form of writing or anything that is related to it. We're looking forward to hearing from you and you can rest assured that we'll answer you. Fiction is important to us.

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