
The Caribbean is a group of islands situated in the heart of the Caribbean Sea. They spread from The Bahamas all the way down to the tip of the South American continent where they end up in Guyana. The entire region has an area of 2,752,000 sq km, 1,062,000 sq mi, with a population of 40 million people and is made up of the Lucayan Archipelago: The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, the Greater and Lesser Antilles: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Saint Croix, Saint Thomas, Saint John, Water Island, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Redonda, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Les Saintes, Marie-Galante, la Desirade, the windward and Leeward Islands: Dominica, Martinque, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, The Grenadines, Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire. Its ethnic background is made up of Amerindians such as Arawaks, Caribs, Tainos, Lucayans, Indo- and Afro-Caribbean, Chinese and Europeans. Their languages include Spanish, English, French, Dutch and a lot of dialects and native tongues common to the region. There are thirteen sovereign states and seventeen dependent territories. The region was named after the Caribs who inhabited a great part of the area during a long period of time which is still to be determined from beginning to end.

This region is of immense beauty and its greenish blue water, splendid beaches often strewn with pristine white sand unknown anywhere else on the planet, and beautiful vegetation of mountainous ranges and valleys has come to symbolize a vacation haven for the entire world. People from every continent and every walk of life visit the Caribbean for relaxation and they unavoidably come into contact with all its luscious natural features. Wherever you go, there are pictures, posters, and postcards decked with beautiful images showing off one of the most precious regions on the globe.

The Caribbean is Made up of a Mixture, a Melting Pot

The invasion of the Spaniards starting from the arrival of Christopher Columbus brought diseases and destruction to the region. A vast number of the population died out as Spain brutally hacked most of these people to death. There are very few pure-blooded Indians and most of the ones who have survived to this day are mixed with Africans, who were brought in as slaves by the Spaniards and later the English who wrestled away most of the islands, and Europeans. Their culture was almost obliterated and the remnants of their heritage are proof that they were sophisticated groups of people and not primitive as Columbus and his gang of thugs deemed to call them. They might not have been as classy and stylish as their European counterparts, but they were peaceful and kind and had no intention, or means for that matter, of warding off their aggressors who practically wiped them out with their sophisticated weapons at the time. It is hard to understand here who was more primitive, the Spaniards or the natives of the Caribbean islands.

Of course the people of the Caribbean were, in the eyes of their annihilators. However, they did not ask the warmongers and thieves to invade and destroy their habitat. They did not want them there and from the very beginning thought that they were evil and wretched creatures. How can we celebrate Columbus Day and put aside the culture of our forefathers? They’re the ones who discovered not only the Caribbean but all of the Americas. How can we still dare call the region the West Indies after knowing that Columbus made a big mistake, for he thought he had set sail to West India and not the Caribbean? It’s time for us to get together and eradicate this fallacy. We are the leaders of the region now and we have the say, the power to right this wrong. Perhaps Columbus made a great voyage but he did not discover the American continent, the Caribs, Arawaks, Tainos, Lucayans or another tribe did. They were in the region centuries before he came into the picture. Let’s not make the mistake of calling the region what they thought it was. Let’s call it what it is: the Caribbean.

With Our Music, Food And Climate Tourism is What we do Best

Today the Caribbean islands have striven to great heights and have produced music, dances, costumes, art and crafts, some of the finest cuisine in the world, and a lot of sportswomen and men who excel at what they do. The region is still growing and every single island, even though a lot of them are linked to or governed by other countries, has some kind of commerce, produces something other than depending exclusively on tourism which was, and still is for lot of them, the main economical support. However, they have a way to do a lot of business, and in every aspect, historically, culturally and socially. These islands have the power to ensure that because of the fact that their climate can lure and always will lure people toward them. This luring has been effective during the last years and the idea of attracting people to them must come along with a highly sophisticated way of making their guests enjoy themselves to the utmost. These islands as a region have to come together and do everything to offer tourists, guests or visitors an excellent time mixed with diversion, entertainment, the best in food and beverages and all kinds of aquatic sports. The Caribbean Islands still hold a great strategic position and a wonderful climate to become even better at what they do: make more people visit them and have the best time of their life.

We'll go out of Our Way to Take Care of Business For You

At Wade Hilton from Jamaica we’re sure that there’ll be a lot of comments about these beautiful gems called the Caribbean Islands. As a matter of fact, that’s what we want and don’t forget that we’re glad to receive them and will respond in one way or another to every one of them, so don't hesitate to send them in. We're looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


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