Books Online

Books online is quickly growing into a multi-million dollar business. The future of selling books is here, or should I say e-books? It’s that magical moment of obtaining a book over the Internet. Once you get hold of any of the gadgets or gizmos available and start downloading your electronic books, you find yourself putting more of them into the cart as you go along. There’s something big behind this revolutionary technology of marketing books online. It will continue growing until everybody starts reading on the screen, as we've predicted years ago. It's going to get to such a point that these apparatuses will become wearables. We'll wear them on and inside our bodies, making not only books but everything that can be digitized become accessible to all of us. The whole concept sounds wonderful to some people although there are others who think that humans should be separated from these so-called wearables. Whatever your opinion is, this new format for books just keeps growing, and it seems as if there's no end in sight.

Electronic books as they have been termed are here to stay in spite of the opposition they're facing.

More Books Are Being Sold Digitally

This change of books into the digital world will make us read more on the screen, buy and sell books in a totally different style, and above all the way we write them. The ink has turned into pixels and will transform reading into something very personal and enjoyable for all of us who do it on the screen. We’re going to be able to live in a completely different world, one in which we can make up a library with all the books we’ve ever read, and maybe the ones we want to read in the future. We can stock up on movies, songs, pictures, even encyclopedias and still have a lot of space left over. As more people get into the world of books online, the easier they’re going to be for writers and publishers to produce them, especially knowing that the powerful search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing will use the keywords to get them to the right places through RSS/blogs and Wikipedia so that they can sell. The world of hyper link is here to stay. No one can change that.

We can easily search for and find millions of books online. It’s like going to a library and be able to thumb through all the books you want and easily read a few of them. You can scan through them and come up with any kind of information that you might need. You can search for a specific topic in as many of them as you want by way of the long tail keywords. You can comment and forward whatever you want about them on blogs or email threads.

Books Online Will Eventually Entice us to Read

Books online will change forever the way we search for and find them, the way we talk about them, even the way we read and write them. Google will easily index and rank every page of them so that you can get comments about them from any part of the world. They‘re going to turn reading into a social event, one in which everyone in the community can participate. Bloggers and inbound links will make Google position the page on a scale from zero to ten and drive hundreds of potential buyers to each one of them. This is also going to change the way authors write books because they’re going to have to do so for the search engines by way of special keywords in their chapter titles, topic sentences, supporting details and conclusions so that they can enjoy a steady stream of visitors. As soon as more writers find this out, they’re not going to hesitate to jump in because it is a great opportunity not only to write their work but to sell it as well. No author can miss out on something like this for it eliminates the difficulties for both writer and publisher to produce their books, and on top of that it gives them the certainty that they will sell their work.

Everybody's Gonna Read Them Online

Books online also have an advertising edge because they let you read certain parts or pages of them or even download certain chapters to entreat you to add them to your cart. This is going to give authors the opportunity to carve up these giveaway sections in such a way that people won’t be able to resist purchasing their books after getting a taste of what they're all about. Of course the importance of getting the reader to make the purchase depends on the author's storytelling.

There are still a lot of people out there who haven’t caught on to the silent revolution in books online. A lot more still need to have access to the computer and the Internet. However, for those of us who know about the power of books online, we must accept the fact that they’ll change the way we write, publish, buy and sell them in the near future. Little by little this will be the trend as more and more people have access to the Internet and get involved with the process of uploading and downloading.

Don’t forget that at Wade Hilton from Jamaica we want to make more people read and if this is going to contribute to our reaching that goal, then we have to spread the word about online books. What’s your opinion on the matter? We’d be very appreciative if you’d let us know. Please write to us and have your say. We'll listen to you and most likely forward you an answer.

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